Jaiquan, 22

"Anytime you down yourself, you lose confidence...you end up backtracking."

 A young, devoted father, Jaiquan says he is with his daughter "24/7/365"; even taking off the semester from East Carolina University to care for her. He gives her credit for the motivation to continuing to fight to accomplish his life goals.

One of Jaiquan's fondest memories from childhood comes from a small badge he received from his mother's job, given to him while she was a correctional officer in New York. This moment inspired him to pursue criminal justice. He says law enforcement was always cool to him when he reflects on his upbringing and growing up in the city. He aspires to be a police officer someday so that he can impact the profession in a positive way, especially for Black males.

"Hopefully I can bring a change to the table for how people look at law enforcement. I'm thinking about who I can touch and change."