
Our Mission

The Black Light Project believes that the sharing of narratives is activism. It is in our stories that we gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and begin to analyze, question, and shift our perspectives on our fellow man and their life experience. Specifically, The Black Light Project uses the arts of video and photography to document and focus on those narratives of the oppressed and disenfranchised; those who are systematically deprived of proper representation and whose lives are often depicted in negative stereotypes and in stories told by others.

Our Project challenges the images we see in the media, recognizing the harm that hundreds of years of negative framing has done to the private and public image of Black people and to the psyche of Black people as a collective and individuals. We are proud to highlight the truth and beauty of these Black people; as they represent joy, peace, strength, kindness, resilience, ingenuity, and commitment to legacy.

Our Goals

  • Utilize the art of film, photography, and other forms of artistic expression to highlight social issues.

  • Create a platform for discussion of current issues regarding media matters.

  • Acknowledge the positive influence of traditionally underserved populations in their communities via our media platform.

  • Increase the individual (or subject’s) view of the importance of daily accountability and contributions to community.

  • Engage community, local government, business and educational institutions in the conversation about the role of positive media images of underserved communities in improving relations between these communities and entities.

  • Create community, business, and educational partnerships to support the work of The Black Light Project.